Settlement Services
Are you new to our region? The Humboldt Regional Newcomer Centre offers integrated services to assist newcomers with their settlement and adaptation in Humboldt Region. Our services are designed to help newcomers become active in Canadian society. All services and information is free of charge. Stop in today at our office or contact our settlement workers for assistance.
We assist with the following...

- Assessment and identification of our clients settlement needs
- Form Assistance - helping to apply for Social Insurance Number, Saskatchewan Health Card, Child Tax Benefit, CRISP, Housing, etc .
- Orientations - providing information on a variety of topics to familiarize newcomers to Canadian life and culture such as: housing, banking, transportation, weather, shopping, health, law, education
- Provide Information and referrals to online services such as PR cards, immigration documents, and Citizenship applications
- Referrals to various agencies and organizations that provide you settlement support services and information
- Supportive staff, advocacy and links to community resources